My Favorite Player

Chipper Jones was one of my three favorite players when I was growing up. And when I played for the Atlanta Braves in 2015 he was around the clubhouse all the time. It was very cool to get to interact with him. He’s a Hall of Famer and just a down-to-earth awesome guy.
One day when he was sitting in the lunchroom in the locker room, I told Freddie Freeman that Chipper was one of my all-time favorite players and Freddie goes “Go ask him who HIS favorite player is.” I thought it was a trick. I was like “I’m not gonna do that.” But Freddie insisted he wasn’t messing with me, so I did it.
I sit down with him and say “Hey Chip, who’s your favorite player?”
And without hesitation, he responds “Me, motherfucker. And you better be your own favorite player too!”