

Retired for half of a baseball season

The MLB All-Star break us upon us and that means I’ve been retired for half of a season already.

I thought I’d miss it more.

The reality is that I don’t miss playing. So, what have I been up to? A lot actually.

Number one, being a dad. This has taken over as the number one priority for me. From the timeI was 5-years old, I woke up in the morning and ate, slept, and breathed baseball. After 30 yearsit feels weird to not have my career as my North Star. But having my daughter has put life into an entirely new perspective for me. Getting to see her experience the world brings me a happiness and fulfillment I have never known before. Giving her consistency and a chance to thrive is now my most important responsibility.

Broadcasting. This is the avenue where I am able to stay close to the game I love, and also where I find my competitive outlet. Talking about baseball on tv was never something I aspired to. In fact, early in my career it was about the last thing I’d end up doing. But I am loving it. Surprisingly, I’ve found myself getting the same rush of competition when the studio lights turn on that I used to get between the chalk lines. Just like on the field, when you’re on live TV you need to perform when it matters. And if something goes wrong, you don’t get to stop and try it again, you just roll with it.

Speaking. This is where I am finding camaraderie and purpose. I’m enrolled in Heroic Public Speaking School to develop my presenting skills and make sure I deliver a transformational experience. The kinship I feel with the other students enrolled is surprising. But more meaningful to me is the shared experience during my first 6 corporate speaking engagements. I feel the impact when and audience member has a light bulb moment.

Writing. This is where I have felt the struggle of defeat, and the satisfaction of improvement. My upcoming children’s book is currently in the publication process. I can’t even begin tell you how much of an uphill climb this has been. I submitted the first iteration of this book to publishers in January of 2021. It was declined by everyone. The second iteration was also shot down. The third iteration is a vast improvement and finally got some interest. Now I am in the process of working with a proof editor, illustrator, project manager, and layout designer. The progression has been incredible and eye opening. I can’t wait to share Baseball and Belonging with you soon.

Hopefully the fact that I don’t miss playing is a sign that I retired at the right time. It helps to find new outlets for the value aspects of being a professional baseball player.